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Prep4away C-LIXEA-2404 Questions have helped thousands of candidates to achieve their professional dreams. Our SAP Certified Associate - Enterprise Architecture Consultant - SAP LeanIX (C-LIXEA-2404) exam dumps are useful for preparation and a complete source of knowledge. If you are a full-time job holder and facing problems finding time to prepare for the SAP C-LIXEA-2404 Exam Questions, you shouldn't worry more about it.
What should you consider during scoping during the Application Portfolio Assessment initiative?
Answer: A
During the scoping phase of an Application Portfolio Assessment initiative, it is crucial to start small and achieve some quick wins. This approach helps in demonstrating the value of the initiative early on, gaining stakeholder buy-in, and building momentum for further phases. Quick wins can provide tangible results that validate the efforts and pave the way for broader, more comprehensive assessments.
* LeanIX Application Portfolio Assessment Guide
* SAP Community on LeanIX Best Practices
Which feature allows users to propose updates or seek clarification without directly altering the content of a fact sheet?
Answer: D
Which of the following is an element of a platform?
Answer: D
SAP LeanIX Meta Model
Which approach does SAP LeanIX recommend you follow when modeling applications?
Answer: A
Initial High-Level Overview: SAP LeanIX recommends beginning with a high-level overview of the application landscape to understand the broader context and relationships between applications.
Incremental Detailing: Once the high-level information is established, you can progressively add more detailed information to the model, ensuring a structured and manageable approach.
Relevance and Context: This approach ensures that the most relevant and critical aspects are captured first, aligning with business needs and priorities.
Reference: SAP LeanIX Best Practices
What does the SaaS Discovery in SAP LeanIX allow you to do?
Answer: C
The SaaS Discovery feature in SAP LeanIX allows organizations to discover all SaaS applications being used within the organization. Once discovered, these applications can be linked to SAP LeanIX, enabling a centralized view of all software-as-a-service solutions. This helps in managing subscriptions, ensuring compliance, and optimizing the use of SaaS applications across the organization.
* LeanIX SaaS Discovery
* SAP Community on LeanIX SaaS Management
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